Chuck Yeager says, “Just before you break the sound barrier, the cockpit shakes the most.”
When something is hard, my coach Leah reminds our Mastermind class of the Chuck Yeager quote that says, “Just before you break the sound barrier, the cockpit shakes the most.” This week, the cockpit was shaking. It was a long, hard week. But the “pushing through” felt different than before… it felt like determination with a side of confidence. I felt even though it was hard, it was all going to work out. The hard stuff is never the part of life where we get to sit back and coast. It is when we have to decide… What is the end goal? Where do I want to be next week, next month, next year? And if the goal is in the direction of hard - you push through and do hard….
We pushed through. We “Ate the Frog.” (Another GREAT book is “Eat that Frog” by Brian Tracy) We did the hard things and today it started clicking. I truly believe we broke a sound barrier at CASA this week. I feel like we went to the next level of awareness… the next level of training… and the next level of advocacy. We broke the sound barrier. We ended the day with a live Facebook event, Concert for CASA hosted by singer/songwriter Hope Dunbar. It was fun…. I was laughing, I choked up a couple times and Hope and I celebrated with a glass of wine after the concert. (Not the “Sink into the couch survival wine” - The “Holy Smokes we had an amazing day wine.”)
I know there will be more shaking… the cruising altitude is not always clear…. but to prepare for landing an amazing day, week, month, year and life - you have to be willing to experience all the phases of the flight.
*To learn more about Southeast Nebraska CASA - Please visit our website
*To learn more about Singer/Songwriter Hope Dunbar - Please visit her website